The "BOSS"

The "BOSS"

Founder / CEO

The “Boss” is the creator of the R.A.K. Society. His actual identity is known only to a select few. He feels that who he is is not nearly as important as what he stands for! The RAK “Boss” is on a mission to wipe out bullying and violence, in schools, across the United States, as well as the World.

Having been both the victim of bullying, as well as a bully himself, the “Boss” knows the damage caused by the cowardly act of bullying and school violence.  Vowing to “Be the change he wanted to see in the world” (Mahatma Gandhi), the “Boss” made the decision to educate and teach others the truth behind the life-changing effects that bullying has on a person.  With the increase in school shootings, since Columbine (1999), the “Boss” has grown tired of government politics and no action being taken while our world’s children are dying in school. The R.A.K. Society was created with the sole purpose of combating the declining self-esteem rates in school, as well as, the increasing rates of teen suicide and teen violence. The RAK Society has now grown to encompass chapters all over the world and the “Boss” oversees them all!

While in an undisclosed location, the RAK Boss agreed to an interview with the condition that the journalist was not to see his face. Here is what the “Boss” had to say….

Journalist – ” So.. what is your name?”

Boss – “I am known simply as The Boss or Boss”

Journalist – “Why do you hide your identity? Seems kind of strange doesn’t it?”

Boss – “The reason I mask my identity is because it is not important! I am not seeking recognition, glory, reward, or acknowledgement of any kind! True kindness is not when someone does something nice for someone because they know they will get recognition for it!  No.. That, my friend, is an act of vanity!  I hide my identity because it is the least important of all that I am trying to do. Let me ask you this.. How many celebrities and millionaires give to charity because they know they will get good press out of it? How many “good deeds” happen in the presence of a photographer or a publicist? That is NOT what I am about!”

Journalist – “So doesn’t it seem a little mysterious or “Cloak and  Dagger” being that no one knows who you are ? Or where you are?”

BOSS – (Laughs) “Do you remember the 70’s cop show Charlie’s Angels? That was one of the most popular shows of its time. Why? Because people wanted to know who Charlie was! Charlie sent his “Angels” out to fight crime! Well… I send my version of those angels out to show the world that there ARE people out there that actually do care, yet don’t want anything in return! Remember the old saying “Nothing in this world is free?” Well I say that’s not true! You want to know what’s free?  A smile! An act of kindness for no other reason other than its the right thing to do!”

Journalist – “You mentioned the word “Angels”.. aside from the television show reference, is this a religious organization?

BOSS – “I wondered when the questions would come around to that.. (chuckles). I will answer your question with a question.. Does it really matter when it comes down to helping those who need help? Isn’t that what the “church” is supposed to be about? I’ll leave it at that.”

Journalist – “So it is part of the RAK’s “Code of Conduct” to remain anonymous? 

BOSS – “Yes.. but there is a system built within the framework of the society that recognizes them internally.  Our members are to never reveal the existence of, or their participation in, the RAK Society! Within the society, we recognize our members’ hearts and actions with many awesome things!”

Journalist – “What sort of things do your members receive in return for their Random Acts Of Kindness?”

BOSS – “The main thing they receive is the feeling one gets when they have helped another human being! Doing it without external reward is the greatest reward of all.  Among other things, our members receive anything from extra credit at school, graduation accessories such as cords and sashes, opportunity to serve as a foreign exchange student with our International chapters, admission to our Local, State, National and International conventions, trips, scholarships and much more. BUT… I must stress that all these things happen strictly within the confines of the RAK Society. Absolutely NO reward or acknowledgement, or recognition comes from those we help because we remain totally anonymous/”

Journalist – “What happens if one of your members is approached while conducting a mission?”

BOSS – “That member, or group of members, simply smile and say something along the lines of “We are doing what we are doing simply because we care, and we enjoy what we do!””

Journalist – “How does someone join the RAK Society? If it is a secret society how does anyone know about it?”

BOSS – “Simply stated.. you don’t! You cannot join the RAK Society like you would the YMCA or any other club.  Our members are recruited and personally invited to join. There are no official sites, other than the main website which is un advertised. There are no social media pages or accounts other than our closed Facebook page, which is accessible to members and staff only.

Journalist – “How does that work?”

BOSS – “We are partnered with many school systems around the world, both public and private. In each system, the Superintendent, the school Principal, the school Counselor and possibly a teacher, are the only individuals who know about the RAK Societies presence in their school / district. With their help, students who exhibit the kind of self-LESS character traits and behavior that would compliment our mission(s) are identified. Those students are then personally invited to attend a small meeting in school where the RAK Society and its mission is revealed to them. A simple question is then asked.”

Journalist – “What question?”

BOSS – “Does this mission, and the goals of the RAK Society sound like something you would be interested in being a part of?”

Journalist – “What happens then?”

BOSS – “If the answer is NO.. they are excused from the meeting immediately with the instructions from the principal that the meeting is not to be discussed in any way. If the answer is YES.. they are then handed a sealed envelope that is to be given to their parents or guardians. That envelope contains an invitation to a private (community or district) wide meeting for both the parents and the students who have been recruited. At this meeting the parents will be introduced to the concept of the RAK Society and its mission to wipe out school violence and most questions will be answered.”

Journalist – “Most questions?”

BOSS – “Yes.. most questions! The only questions that are not answered are those pertaining to my identity, age, location etc. Other than that topic, we strive to answer all the parents questions and address any concerns.. should there be any.. which I am proud to say are rare!”

Journalist – “So if a student says NO, do you really expect them not to say anything to their friends about this strange meeting they were just a part of?”

BOSS – (Chuckles) “No.. absolutely not! In fact, we sort of count on it! Who doesn’t like a mystery? Actually we count on the students who say no, again.. those students are rare, telling their friends about the meeting. Why? Because the friends they tell may just be the kind of people we are looking for.”

Journalist – “So.. if a student tells their friend about this weird meeting or weird society that they refused to join, but the friend is all about it, what can they do to be a part of it?”

BOSS – “We count on that taking place actually. We know that sometimes even our members let it slip from time to time. When someone who was not initially recruited becomes aware of us, they start asking around. That generates curiosity. That curiosity generates a buzz. It never fails that either a RAK member or a RAK facilitator will hear of someone’s questions. At that time they may, or may not, be approached for recruitment. Students LOVE a mystery as well as exclusivity. If anyone can join, regardless of their character.. whats the point in that? Everyone wants to be a part of, or at least have knowledge of, something that they know nothing about! After all, why do you think news programs and news papers are so popular? (chuckle)”

Journalist – “Ok.. point taken..(Laughs). So.. why do you invite the parents? Why don’t you just recruit the students?”

BOSS – Because the parents or guardians play a crucial role in supporting the students in their missions! Let’s face it, would YOU want your kid involved in a secret world-wide organization, who’s founder’s identity was unknown? It wouldn’t matter what my kid was being asked to do!!! Good or not, I would have a FIT!  So.. it is crucial that our parents are “in the know” and are involved with their kids activities. Many of the student’s missions may involved the parents and become a family affair. I am fully aware that without the parent’s support, the RAK Society would be nothing!”

Journalist – “So…if you’re identity is not known to your members, how do you conduct these meetings?”

BOSS – “In most cases my Executive Director or one of his regional directors conducts the meetings. There is a video presentation from myself that is shown at each meeting, but the personal interaction and all contact information is that of my Executive Director or a regional official. The students are made aware of who their local RAK Facilitator is, as well as, regional and district officials. The parents are not only given that information, but the contact information of the Executive Director as well.”

Journalist – “Who is this Executive Director and how did he find you?”

BOSS – “If you want to know who he is, how about you help me get a RAK Chapter set up in your local school system?. As for how he found me? He didn’t.. I found him! He was my first recruit and together we built the RAK Society one member at a time.”

Journalist – “How are you funded? Where do you get the money for your missions?”

BOSS – “We are backed by a U.S. based non-profit 501(C)3 charitable organization, so all donations are tax deductible and go to pay for expenses, such as missions and events, that cost money.”

Journalist – “That cost money? Doesn’t everything cost money?”

Boss – “Of course things cost money, but I started the RAK Society with nothing! Zero money! I would say 75% of the missions we conduct do not cost a thing! I mean really.. how much does kindness cost?  Of course our operating expenses such as facilities, power bills, utilities, staffing, venue procurement for events etc.. all cost money. The donations we receive go to pay those expenses!”

Journalist – “Do you receive money from the foundation?”

BOSS – “I receive no monetary compensation for what I do. My compensation comes in the form of seeing this movement grow from one person to two people. To see it grow from two people to chapters all over the world is payment enough for me.”

Journalist – “What would be an example of some of the missions you send your student members on?”

BOSS – “Well I cannot go into detail because the activities, and missions, that we perform are not to be publicized. However I can tell you that they are often very simple. We have found that the the “small” things are actually bigger than the “big” things. I can not tell you where this mission took place or when, but a good example would be a school where the students were in an “end of the year” scenario and tensions were high because of testing. The students were stressed out because these tests were the culmination of the entire years learning. One of the RAK Chapter’s missions was to place “Post-It” notes on all of the lockers in the school with a simple message that read… “You Got This! and you are going to ROCK these exams!” They were hand written notes and were placed on every locker in the school. Most of our missions are that simple! However, we have found that those simple gestures make a HUGE impact!

Journalist – “Last question .. How long will you do this.. head up the RAK Society I mean?”

BOSS – “Until the day I die and beyond!”

Journalist – “AND BEYOND?”

BOSS – “When I created the RAK Society, with the intention of keeping my true identity strictly anonymous, I did so for a reason. The RAK Society doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to everyone. This movement was intended ,and is becoming, ageless, borderless and timeless! What would be the point in creating something that dies when I do? When that time comes, hopefully a LONG time from now, there are plans in place for the next RAK BOSS to take over.  We will never quit.

As you can see, the “Boss” speaks out very strongly against bullying and all school violence stating that bullying is not funny, impressive, or cool. Bullying is sad, painful, and leaves life long scars.

If you want to know more about the founder of the R.A.K. Society.. email him at